Thursday, November 8, 2007

This time, the content is not optional

Given that otherwise this would be kind of empty, a post is needed. I shall take this time to greet my reader(s).

Hello! I can see you. Wait, is someone else coming in? Oh, no, they just wanted to use the bathroom. Oh well. Second door on the left.

This blog will primarily be a place for me to write about games - design, reviews, complaints, whatever - as I see fit. It's nice to have a space to do just that; I always felt guilty inserting heavy gaming theory (oh yeah, there might be like...math and stuff, if I think it's needed) into something that was originally for "how I'm doing." That said, other stuff - my thoughts on something going on in my life, or some issue in *shudder* politics - might also wind up in here, but...not so often, yeah?

Updates should come at least every three days, with gooey new semi-random crap.

Thanks for coming, don't be a stranger.

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